Tuesday 24 April 2012

Why I remember my Mum as a crazy person going for a cupcake

Okay this probably sounds strange, but it's true. I remember my mum as a crazy person going for a cupcake like it was the only food in the world and their life depended on it.
Well you see my Mum used to be a school teacher and I was doing some homework and I needed a bit of help with some descriptive language, so I did the usual thing and asked my mum. This was all very normal to me with her starting up one of her lectures, but this time it was unusual...
She was giving me an example about describing people's actions and the best scenario she could think of was that the world ran out of food and a crazy person lunging for a cupcake.:
" Since the nuclear radiation was around, food was scarce and many innocent people were starving to death, but there was a tiny ray of hope....THE LAST CUPCAKE ON EARTH. So, as the primeminister was about to eat this little delicacy, a crazy guy called George ( no offence to all of those George's out there) drooled with hunger and growled like a ferocious dog as he lunged for the cupcake!"
This scared me a little and I still have nighmares about it.

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